Friday, July 28, 2023

Crater Days this weekend at Petersburg will recall brutal battle that followed mine explosion under Rebel lines

Cannon demonstration during a previous Crater event (NPS)
Petersburg National Battlefield in Virginia this weekend will remember the Battle of the Crater with the first major living history event the park has hosted since 2019.

Crater Days are scheduled for Saturday and Sunday (July 29-30) with formal programs beginning each day at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.

The Battle of the Crater, which occurred July 30, 1864, followed a Union attempt to break the siege lines. A mine explosion shattered a Confederate position held by South Carolinians. Federal troops rushed in the breach but became they targets when they massed in an area with little room to maneuver.

The attack turned into a Federal defeat after vicious hand-to-hand fighting. Defenders regrouped and massacred US Colored Troops wounded or surrendering in the Crater.

Eric Schreiner, manager of interpretation at the park, told the Picket in an email that about 35 living historians will participate, including the Princess Anne Greys and the 12th Virginia.

General view of the Crater at Petersburg (NPS)
Rangers will be leading tours and the living historians will be doing weapons demonstrations. Each program will last about 90 minutes.

“NPS staff will be on site, but living historians between programs will be available to the public to discuss the everyday life of the solider around their camp,” Schreiner said. “We focus on leadership and discuss successes and failures that happen leading up to and during the battle.”

Alfred Waud depiction of the futile attack (Library of Congress)
On Saturday at the Eastern Front Visitor Center, there will be displays focused on the civilian experience from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Schreiner said he hopes the staff can offer more for the 160th anniversary of the Crater in 2024. “Hopefully, next year we will be able to find some units to be Federals. I have some contacts with a few already, including some USCT groups.”

If you go: Start at the Eastern Front Visitor Center at 5001 Siege Road, Petersburg. The Crater battlefield is four miles down the tour road from the visitor center. The grounds are open from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Bring water, sun protection and wear comfortable clothing appropriate for the weather. For more information about the event, email

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