(National Park Service) |
Visitors to Gettysburg battlefield next month can enjoy springtime blossoms while they
take part in an inaugural special weekend of walks and talks focusing on the
two armies that clashed there in July 1863.
National Military Park on Wednesday released details of the Spring Battlefield
Foray scheduled for April 23-24. The program, entitled “Armies at War,” looks
at the tactics, tools and organizations utilized at the crucial battle.
All programs
are open to the public and no registration is necessary. The current schedule,
with details provided by the park:
April 23
Hikes -- some on rough
terrain -- explore key episodes and phases of the battle from the perspective
of the different branches of the Army of the Potomac and the Army of Northern
Virginia. Water, headgear, sun protection, insect repellent and comfortable,
sturdy walking shoes are highly recommended.
8 a.m.-10:30
a.m.: “It was nothing more than a stand-up fight” -- infantry
vs. infantry on July 1. From
the firefight in Reynolds Woods to the savage combat at the Railroad Cut, the
foot soldier dominated the fighting on July 1, 1863, west of Gettysburg.
Advantages and disadvantages of terrain, arms of the combatants, and the
ability of unit commanders to make quick decisions made the difference in
victory or defeat on the field that day. Join park historian John Heiser on a 2
½ hour, in-depth hike examining the tools and tactics of the Union and
Confederate regiments involved in the opening clash at Gettysburg. Meet at
Reynolds Woods, Auto Tour Stop 1. Park along Reynolds Avenue.
(NPS) |
11:30 a.m.-2 p.m.: "A Spirited Duel" -- The Artillery on July 2. Confederate
artillerymen E. P. Alexander wrote of the fighting on July 2, “I don’t think
there was ever in our war a hotter, harder, sharper artillery afternoon than
this.” From Warfield Ridge to the Trostle Farm, follow park ranger Matt
Atkinson as he explores the various Union and Confederate batteries that dueled
for supremacy on the bloodiest day of the battle of Gettysburg. Meet at
the Peach Orchard. Park on Sickles Avenue. Do not park on Wheatfield Road.
3 p.m.-5:30
p.m.: “Clash of Cavalry” -- The Battle at East Cavalry Field. After two days of stubborn fighting, the
Battle of Gettysburg began anew during the early morning hours of July 3, 1863.
Though the fighting at Culp’s Hill and Pickett’s Charge is more famous, the
pitched cavalry battle fought three miles east of town represents a compelling
chapter in the Gettysburg story. Join park ranger Tom Holbrook and explore the
fields, farms, and crossroads where cavalrymen once crossed sabers. Meet at the
parking lot on Confederate Cavalry Avenue. Park along Confederate Cavalry
Sunday, April 24
the Union Fishhook,” a special program from 8:55 a.m. to 4:55
p.m. In
better understanding the numerous battles within the Battle of Gettysburg, it
becomes clear that the various fights were interconnected. Walking from place
to place is the best way to grasp this. Led by licensed battlefield guides Tim
Smith and Garry Adelman, this rigorous hike will cover the Union fishhook as it
was generally positioned on July 2 and 3. Little Round Top, Devil’s Den,
the Wheatfield and Cemetery Ridge are the goal by lunchtime with Cemetery Hill,
Culp’s Hill, Spangler’s Spring and more rounding out the day.
Cemetery Ridge (NPS) |
This hike not
only entails 8 miles of walking up, down, around and along hills and ridges,
but requires a relatively fast pace. Water, headgear, sun protection, insect
repellent and comfortable, sturdy walking shoes and a packed lunch are highly
recommended. The hike will begin and end at the flagpole at the
Gettysburg National Military Park museum and visitor center. All participants
should park in parking Lot 3 of the visitor center.
Katie Lawhon, management
assistant at the park, told the Picket that the event, co-sponsored by the
Gettysburg Foundation, was the “result of several months of
discussions about how to better serve the public, give greater access to the
battlefield and reach more people with regards to our programming. The Foray
gives us a high level of interaction with participants, more opportunities for
the public to be physically on the battlefield, and the ability to have a wide
range of excellent presenters.”
The park stresses parts of the programs
will cover less-explored areas of the site in southern Pennsylvania.